Siduction 2021.3 arrives with Linux 5.15, without some environment builds, enhancements and more

The launch of the new version of the project «Siduction 2021.3», which is developed as a desktop-oriented Linux distribution, built on the basis of the Debian Sid (unstable) package.

Siduction is a fork of Aptosid and that the key difference with Aptosid was the use of a more recent version of KDE from the experimental Qt-KDE repository as the user environment.

Siduction is a Debian-based Linux distribution that has a mission to be a rolling release. However, what few people know is that the philosophy behind the packaging is almost the same as Ubuntu's. The Sidcution system is based on the Debian Unstable repositories and with that it looks a lot like Ubuntu.

Furthermore, Siduction is committed to the core values ​​of the social contract and the Debian DFSG.

Main news of Siduction 2021.3

In this new version that is presented of the distribution due to lack of timeor from the developers, Cinnamon, LXDE, and MATE builds have stopped training. The main focus now is on the KDE, LXQt, Xfce, Xorg and noX builds.

Just before the holidays, we present to you siduction 2021.3.0. This edition is called "Wintersky". The username and password for the live session are siducer / live.

With that out of the way, we need to inform you of some changes. Those who have read our call for collaboration in the forum know that we lack time to properly maintain the siduction in its current incarnation. Therefore, we have decided to stop releasing some desktop variants for the official release for now. We will stop shipping Cinnamon and LXDE in addition to MATE, which was already missing from the latest version, and will focus on KDE Plasma, LXQt, Xfce, Xorg and noX.

Regarding the changes that have been made in this new version, we can find that the package base is synced with the Debian Unstable repository Since December 23rd, Siduction 2021.3 includes the updated kernel versions Linux 5.15.11 and systemd 249.7, as well as the new versions of the KDE Plasma 5.23.4, LXQt 1.0 and Xfce 4.16 environments. are offered from the repositories.

On the other hand, in compilations with all desktops to connect to a wireless network, change by default to use iwd daemon instead of wpa_supplicant. Iwd can be used alone or in conjunction with NetworkManager, systemd-networkd, and Connman. Option to return wpa_supplicant.

In addition to sudo to run commands on behalf of another user, the doas utility, developed by the OpenBSD project, is included in the base. With this in this new version of Siduction 2021.3, the version of doas, bash autocomplete files have been added.

Following the changes to Debian Sid, the distribution was carried over to use the PipeWire media server instead of PulseAudio and Jack.

It is also mentioned that the ncdu disk usage analyzer has been replaced by a faster alternative to gdu and that CopyQ clipboard manager is also included.

The program to manage the photo collection Digikam has been removed from delivery. The reason is that the packet size is too large: 130MB.

In addition to that, it is also mentioned that the developers have included some slides in the installer:

We are excited to see Calamares mastering the encryption of the facility in the meantime. As a little Christmas present, during the installation we showed a small slideshow with some of our wallpapers from the last 10 years. For the near future, we have more plans with Calamares. We want to launch an image in which the desktop environment and individual packages can be selected in the installer.

Finally if you are interested in knowing more about it you can check the details in the following link

Get Siduction 2021.3

For those who are interested in being able to obtain this new version, they should know that the ISO download is available for the different compilations based on KDE (2.9 GB), Xfce (2.5 GB) and LXQt (2.5 GB), as well as a minimalist "Xorg" image based on the Fluxbox window manager (2 GB) and also the ISO "noX" (983 MB), supplied without a graphical environment and intended for users who wish to build their own system. The link is this.

To enter a live session, use the username / password: "siducer / live".

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