A few days ago I read an opinion in a medium that said that Ubuntu had to forget about normal releases and instead launch a Rolling Release operating system. His opinion was motivated by Canonical's roadmap: every two years in April it releases an LTS version, and then every six months, we have a normal release which, from their point of view, is nothing more than rehearsals for the next Long. Term Support. Right or wrong, it has been around for more than a year rolling rhinoceros, which will allow us to do more or less that, but we have to install it.
Rolling Rhino is a tool long ago created by Martin Wimpress, who until recently was part of the Canonical team. What it does is basically change the repositories of the DailyLive developers, and that should stay that way forever. Canonical prefers to deliver a system to us every six months, and that we have something updated and stable at least twice a year.
Install Rolling Rhino in less than three minutes
Before continuing, we have to advise what we will be doing here. Debian is very conservative, and Ubuntu is too, but in its own way. The former do release an operating system every two years or so, but they also have their "testing" and experimental repositories. What Ubuntu does is launch the Daily Build that are updated daily with everything new that they are adding.
What we will do when installing Rolling Rhino is change the repositories, so will not be limited to one brand (currently Impish) and will continue to be updated after a new release. And in terms of stability, it will have fluctuations, being more stable in April and October and somewhat less in August and February. The reason is that the first Daily Builds are the previous system, and on this they will add the changes. There will be bugs first and they will be fixed when the stable version is close.
With that explained, installing Rolling Rhino is four commands and three minutes away:
sudo apt install git git clone https://github.com/wimpysworld/rolling-rhino.git cd rolling-rhino sudo ./rolling-rhino
Once the commands have been entered, we have to accept the messages it shows us. When we see the logo, ready.
The notices are just that, notices
As we read in its GitHub page, every time the repositories are updated with apt update we will see several errors that tell us that we are facing a conflicting version. Martin says they are nothing more than ads, and that they are shown because they were expected to have a brand like Impish, but they are the Devel. No problem; this right. What you do have to be more careful about is installing third-party repositories, as they could stop working. It is something that does not usually happen.
And why create an Ubuntu Rolling Release? It is clear that this is not like Arch Linux. The "target" are more those who want to see everything they are adding to the day or for developers, those that would otherwise have to install the new ISO in order to continue working. Or for the most daring. For whatever reason, Rolling Rhino, which also has the name and adjective of an animal, turns Ubuntu into a Rolling Release ... more or less.