Things must be recognized, despite the fact that Windows 10 not the best of operating systems if we refer to security, performance or customization, yes that have gotten a look that's pretty decent. For this reason, the B00merang team has created a Windows 10 theme that is compatible with most Linux desktops.
The truth is that the appearance is achieved, since if you look at the images with the naked eye, cso it does not seem that it is a Linux system. The theme also includes an icon pack and the desktop background that the Microsoft system brings by default.
The compatibility of this theme includes desktops such as Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce, LXDE, Unity, Gnome and OpenBox. Therefore, it can be run on the vast majority of GNU / Linux operating systems that exist.
The idea seems good to me, since although it seems absurd to put the appearance of another system (many of you will say that to have the appearance of Windows you will use Windows 10), it can serve, for example, to start the use of Linux to people more accustomed to Windows. For example for older people, schoolchildren or people who have never used a Linux It can take a bit of fear out of using those systems.
Also everything that is being able to customize a desktop seems fine to me. At the end of the day, customization is one of the biggest advantages of Linux regarding Windows and you can always change the theme if you are not convinced.
To download it, we are going to go to b00merang official page, where we will find both the desktop theme and the icon pack necessary to fully imitate the appearance of Windows. The minimum requirement is to have installed GTK 3.X, which is lowered from here.
If you convert your desktop from Linux to Windows, a cat will die every day .. :(
Terrible and horrible, so much the better to have a linux say it with pride: «I am not a supporter of your mafia, mocosoft».
mocosoft is a piracy site.
Then you criticize the microsoft mafia when linux is the same and is on the way to being a windows 2.0 but worse since it uses open source to monopolize x things. the staff usually confuse applications with operating system or in this case distros when applications are what is really important, which is why linux is hardly used on the desktop unlike windows, because everything consists of monopolies, you do not bother in return I do not bother and vice versa
asd, surely you are the typical «windolero» user with a manga wallpaper, a desktop full of icons and a lot of video tutorials in »Latin», Gnu / linux if it is used on the desktop, but people use it with good taste, calm, that with therapy and a boyfriend you will pass.
that's why not even 1% use it ...
And the little that linux advances is thanks to large corporations, mainly due to the saving of licenses and customization. You've screwed up perroflauta, since I use a Gentoo partition for server maintenance which is what linx is really for, something that in your miserable life you will get to do. nice name .. do you know that they can sue you for using someone else's name?
Oh and as much as it hurts windows wins in everything except customization and saving licenses, that's why I have a partition with Gentoo
oh and I forgot to put that together arch is the only decent thing there is in linux. The rest is worth nothing except to navigate and 4 bullshit
you have to fuck more, seriously….
te dire algo ADS windows esta destindo al fracaso pues monopolisan todo , uso windows y he probado a fondo todos los windows desde el 3.0 hasta el windows 10 y no hay cambios radicales en windows , solo te apantallan con los temas y escritorios , es lo que hace la microsoft te pone el windows mas lindo te dice que es mejor que el anterior pero solo le cambian la apariencia y le incluyen dos o tres herramientas nuevas ,, pero fuera de eso no tiene seguridad ninguna ,,tienes que pagar por las licencias originales porque los windows piratas cuando los usas asi y gratis deporvida solo estas teniendo en seguridad un 55 % el otro 45% tienes un hueco mas grande que el mundo ,,, en cambio linux que apenas estoy conociendo me da mas estabilidad , mas seguridad , protege mis datos y no da errores como windows que tus datos y todo lo que haces en internet quedan desprotegidos , da mas errores windows que cualquier otro sistema operativo , windows siempre es lento ya que es un sistema operativo de 1 solo nucleo por eso requiere de mucha memoria ram , en cambio linux es el sistema doble nucleo y eso le da toda la establidad del mundo , pero ya se que diras que tu tienes un intel doble nucleo ,, pero eso no quiere decir que windows sea doble nucleo , te lo explicare asi si instalas linux en un intel doble nucleo realmente tendras 4 nucleos es de los dos nucleo del prosesador y los dos nucleos del linux lo que lo hara sin dura mucho mas rapido y estable,,, en cambio si instalas windows en un intel doble nucleo solo tndras un total de 3 nucleos ,, el doble nucleo del procesador y el nucleo simple de windows , lo que hara siempre un sistema inestable ya que es como poner un motor de 400 caballos a un ford explorer o sea iras muy rapido pero no podras controlar por mucho tiempo el carro porque chocaras , eso es lo que pasa con windows siempre es inestable y da muchos errores ,,, conste uso windows pero soy realista y soy una persona imparcial ,, ya estoy probando linux para aprender y asi cambiarme definitvo ,,,,,,, otra cosa mas el mundo esta cambiando lentamente pero a paso firme a linux sabes porque porque cuando pones windows en empresas grandes como wallmart o coca cola por citar dos ejemplos se llegan a encarecer las lincencias pues cada año tienen quepagar millones de dolares en licencias pues por cada compu que tengas en la compañia debes pagar una licencia averigua y veras ,,,,,, por ejemplo y averigua sabias hace 4 años la policia de toda europa cambio todos sus sistemas a linux porque windows no daba seguridad contra hackers yy cada mes ellos eran victimas de hackers y desde que instalaron linux en toda la policia de paises europeos ya no an vuelto a ser victimas ,,,, otro dato sabias que mas de 14mil cyber cafe internet de españa cambiaron a linux ,,,,,, y ahora te pregunto porque sera que las grandes empresas del mundo y corporaciones civiles , militares y de la policia se estan cambiando a linux ,,, y una cosa mas en este orden de sistemas operativos es como se clasifican en seguriad y establidad comomejor
1 unit os
2 linux
3 Mac Os (macintosh) from apple
4 windows
even the big hollywood special effects companies use Linux and Mac OS, why would it be?
Learn to write and use "y" instead of "e". Donkey. And by the way, my name is the same as the Mexican singer. Smart.
Yes, so Nadella has stated that MS loves Linux and the main bet in Azure is Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, Debian, CentOS and other distros. So much so that Azure now relies on Linux to create its own tools and ensure platform stability and security; so much so that MS affirmed that Ubuntu is the best OS for the cloud ... And to all these Windows Server does not even name it, they only sell it to the fools who like to pay for a super bad OS for servers, when Linux has options where the payment for maintenance and support is less and the service is better.
As for the Desktop, Ubuntu alone has 25 million users. Those 1% stats are based on pre-installed OS sales and we all know MS's monopoly on OEMs. Opinion from ignorance only leaves people in a bad way.
Thanks but I don't buy this. I'll stick with linux mint and plank thanks.
sincerely disgusting
hahahaha pure sore…. They must take off that idolatry that is of no use to them, just to be hurt ...
if windows is bad, good, ugly, etc ...
linux is not the maximum, of a billion distros do not make a single good one….
by the way I use ubunto / windows7 / 10 and I have no problem with anyone….
and the antivirus works well for you galarga?
In MATE the theme is ugly as sin, I do not recommend it, if you are looking for something similar use the combination Numix + Menda-Circle
How do you install it?
Oh my god what a pearl of comments…. asd, you have a lot to learn ...
Always wanting to imitate that interface for Kindergarten children of Moco $ oft filled with colors and animations to entertain them while they wait for the loading of the programs.
You have to be authentic and original.
I love the minimalism of Mate.
This is the typical war of "freaks out Linuxeros" against "freaks out Windowseros." Frankly, I like both systems, I use them on a daily basis and each one is useful for certain things. In fact, my "computer happiness" is achieved by using the best of each one, according to my needs. However, I am not 100% married to any of them. Linux (and I have tried many different distributions and configurations) I miss (and of course the aesthetic issues are 110% subjective) a better appearance, but if we have the option to customize it, the end of the problem.
In the end, it's about being comfortable with what you wear, and anything that is customizability seems formidable to me. Who does not like the appearance of W10 certainly not going to like this, but in my case I am delighted.
Stop arguing with bullshit about "proprietary software" (99% of USER users do not deprive them at all of not having the source code), free software, licenses (of course it is a legitimate way to earn money) and others and focus on Take advantage of what is good in Windows (yes, it has good things and not a few) and in Linux (the same, it seems unbeatable in some aspects). Use what you like, be happy, get together (someone mentioned it above), blow up the bed with sex, eat well and sleep long enough. You will see life much better.
in my country the fear and laziness of the technicians have this change slowed down, trying to avoid it to a greater extent. one of their excuses is that end users do not adapt to the environment. With this I know that that premise will be thrown to the ground. thanks for informing and creators for their work.
You cannot be so closed-minded or so radical, going to extremes is not good ... I used Windows for a long time, specifically xp and I knew him from top to bottom, with all his tricks! I was very happy, I switched to Linux 3 years ago and happier although I'm addictive and I change distro every week hehe, 6 months ago we bought 2 PCs with Windows 10 and eternal updates, sometimes slow and I ignored their tricks, I read and touched the system Well, I fail sometimes, my patience ran out and I installed Linux Mint and pearls, super stable and fast! not a single problem! Mine is the one that every week I install a distro hehe, I install Xubuntu this Windows 10 pack, some adjustments and I stay elegant, minimalist and with more detail ... A friend came and told me that it was very nice! and with all the stability, the performance of my Linux for what else! each one will see how they fix their distro, whoever likes it knows and hates one to love another if I can get the juste of the two ... Omeee let's not complicate ourselves and enjoy what they can give us !.
Windows is pretty popular and accessible (easy to use) but if you want to be a PRO in computing use any UNIX-based system, and you will see that when you use Windows again you will believe that it was developed for children.
What really happens is that the popularity of Windows means that more tools are developed for it. In my case I prefer Linux
"Use any UNIX-based system"
and is that Mac was not developed for useless? since it is taken for granted that it is easier than windows, and it makes your day more happy, IT IS BASED ON UNIX.
Good, for all users, Windows is a monopoly, it charges Linux licenses NO. Windows has all its WEB servers mounted under the LINUX system, Windows had its servers mounted on Windows NT, what happened to them ???. And linux does not work ???. Greetings.
"Use any UNIX-based system"
and is that Mac was not developed for useless? since it is taken for granted that it is easier than windows, and it makes your day more happy, IT IS BASED ON UNIX.
I was wrong to answer with the comment. Rectified.
good that roll. go fabric. where we are going ... linux users on this side. and the users windows already know, save the comments and fly away from this page .. if we are not herding flames from the Cerro del Machu Picchu. Surely, several zonzos do not run a game.exe and they are considered poorly served. LOL
I am a windows and linux user, it is true that linux is more stable, I have it installed on a cyber with debian every client pc, because it is better and safer than windows and because of how tired of battling viruses, unfortunately not all They like it well, however as long as one adapts the environment to the needs of the clients they will not complain, I do not stop using microsoft office, since you realize that it is nonsense that clients do not adapt to free office, but well, it's just for convenience, I consider that one environment looks more like another not because of its efficiency but for the mere pleasure of doing it, we know that linux with its versions helps to start up teams with few resources and that they are not so successful in some cases but they work they WORK, I am one of those who like to find out what is the best and true I was married for a long time with windows, but I have seen a lot of improvement with linux and knowing that each distro has its advantages and disadvantages, like this c As with Windows, at first Windows was minimalist and continues to make attempts to improve its appearance, I really agree with several comments it has not really changed, we see Linux and it has its own minimalist perspective but with many resources to improve the characteristics of each environment to everyone's taste, let's remember the saying says in taste, genres are broken, making a linux with a windows appearance consider it but the truth is I did not like it, each system has its own thing and gives you options to make hybrids with each one but it depends on what is needed, and why less value the efforts they make to improve an environment if there are those who like it, not all accept linux at heart but there are those who do and we leave as far as possible windows to one hand, there are many things to improve in both cases, but I prefer 100% linux than windows.
…… I don't know what to say …… to so many lawsuits and hairs and bites between linuxneros and windows users. But what is clear is that it is not only the monopoly of MS with the OEMs but also of the same brands of computer equipment that do not allow the installation of another system on their computers because they are not compatible with Linux (from any distro. example: Lenovo and HP) which prevents the use of linux distros from spreading. Regarding the Win10 issue, I think it is a viable option in a way to help people who are used to using MS OS at a low level to feel comfortable regarding its appearance and operation. In the case of people who do not know how to use anything, that includes children and older people who had not had the opportunity to use a computer; The most viable option is to present the Linux OS as such, with the original interfaces and not try to imitate since that generates confusion when they are faced with a team with the same design, they will think it is the same, (speaking of people higher). Yes, there are linux of many flavors and colors, as needs and tastes, which means that Brands do not risk so much to have systems compatible with Linux. Unfortunately, in the same way as some say, the monopoly, the licenses, etc ..., are what allows that in the same way there are applications that perform many functions (Example: MSOffice, VisualStudio, Autocad, Adobe ..., etc ...) and I can continue with the list. Free software is never far behind, but unfortunately money moves things, and large projects have been seen to die due to lack of it. If we want this community to grow, it goes without saying that we must support good projects, give a good view of Linux to the world, not only in the field of security and servers; but in the same way in the field of the consumer end user as has happened with Android (Google) that to date MS has not been able and will not be able to lift its mobile version of its system. I am not a fan of MS but due to life and work, I'm married to MS; but Linux lives in the heart .. and they are a low mortal user .. of debian and open suse.
I hope that instead of pulling each other's hair, the advantages and disadvantages of each OS are recognized, to show that the community knows that we still have a long way to go to see that ideal where a free system for all ... (Hmm .. where I read that .. Tron ..) ..
Greetings all.
Hello librelabbbb !!
For me, Linux is a form of torture in every step I take, you get tired of reading and writing for everything you do, it also seems that many like it just to show off, I also recognize that in certain things it is very good but I am 100 % sure that for most people it is like speaking Chinese in reverse.