Ubuntu 15.04 is loaded with new features, even though it seemed that the Canonical developers were very focused on the Ubuntu version for mobile devices and had somewhat neglected the desktop version. But it is not like that, among the news revealed so far, now we have to write down another one, the integration of the new version of Plank.
Plank is a popular dock that simulates the typical Mac OS X bar and that already use other GNU / Linux distributions such as Elementary OS or Chromixium OS, among others. If you want your Ubuntu with any of its desktops to also have this bar in the purest Apple style, Plank is what you are looking for.
Although this does not seem like a novelty, since we could already install it in our distro without problem, the news really is that now Plank se can be installed from the Software Center Ubuntu in an easy way, since it has been included in the official repository.
Hopefully Canonical remembers their repositories, which in my opinion are one of the weak points, since they are somewhat outdated. Not all software is available in its latest version and this is a serious problem for users who use it, who have to search for programs from other sources to have the latest version.
In addition, Plan 0.9 comes with graphic novelties, among them the animations of its icons and that the dock bar pops up even when a system window has been blocked in order to close it without problems. A dbus interface has also been included to allow some remote control methods to be used. And the best, it has not lost its essence: light, beautiful and functional.