How to install Megasync on Arch Linux and derivatives and fix error?


A few days ago I made the decision to migrate the system from one of my machines to an Arch Linux-derived distro this in order to change the scene and save time in the installation that if it were Arch Linux it took me almost a day to install and configure.

Already with the system installed, install all my necessary software packages for the use of my day-to-day equipment, from among which I use Megasync which is basically the manager of downloads and uploads at the mega service.

Installing megasync on Arch Linux and Linux in general is relatively straightforward, since mega developers offer packages of this for quick installation in several of the Linux distributions.

And Arch Linux is no exception.

Megasync Installation

UOne of the great features that I like about Arch Linux is its great versatility to be able to install applications either from Arch Linux repositories, from AUR or directly build the packages with its assistants that facilitate this.

Con it We have several options to install the megasync client in our system, so that you can enjoy choose any of them.

Before moving on to the installation methods, it is important that after having chosen the one that you like the most, after performing the installation immediately try to open the mega client on your system, if it opens correctly “Congratulations, you can start doing use of it ”.

But if it doesn't open, try to open it from the terminal with the command "megasync" and if you get the following "error while loading shared libraries:" you must carry out the installation that I propose until the end.

The first candidate for megasync installation for our system is the application that integrates with the menu of our system in the notification tray when is in operation and from this we can make both downloads and uploads from our computer or our mega account.

In order to install this client we only need to have the AUR repository enabled and have an AUR wizard installed.

The command to install is:

yay -S megasync

The second candidate for installation is the "megasync-git" package. It is similar to the previous package, only the difference is that one package compiles from source code, while another takes the already compiled package (a matter of taste).

The command to install this package that they are going to execute is the following:

yay -S megasync-git

Integrating Megasync to File managers

Other packages already compiled offered by Mega developers if you do not want to allocate too many resources to a client, is by integrating the client into one of the Linux file managers.

Of which packages are offered for (Dolphin, Nemo, Nautilus and Thunar)

Administrators that are usually the default in many of the Linux distributions, since they belong to popular desktop environments or they can also be easily installed.

Now to install the megasync packages so that it integrates with your file manager, you must execute one of the following commands according to the file manager you are using.

For those who are using Dolphin, the command they are going to execute is:

yay -S dolphin-megasync-git

If you are using Nautilus, this command should run:

yay -S nautilus-megasync

Now for those who are using Nemo:

yay -S nemo-megasync

Finally for those who use Thunar the command they are going to execute is:

yay -S thunar-megasync

Solution to error

Finally, for those who had a "failed" installation of the mega client on their system, all is not lost because there is a fairly simple solution to be breaking your head to resolve the dependency with the version of the library "" that the client asks you.

As in my case it asked me for the "", although some ask for the "".

To install the mega client successfully and avoid looking for the library version and after being breaking because it is installed or compatible with our system, the best option is the following.

We are going to add the mega repository to our system. We do this by editing our file "pacman.conf"

To do this in a terminal we are going to execute:

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

You can substitute nano for the editor of your choice, be it vim, gedit, kate, atom etc.

Now we are going to move to the end of the file and add the following:

###Repositorio oficial MEGA###


SigLevel = Optional TrustAll

Server =$arch

###Fin Repositorio oficial MEGA###

We save the document, In the case of those who edited with nano, they do this with Ctrl + O and close with Ctrl + X.

And in the same terminal we update the repositories with:

sudo pacman -Sy

And we install the client with:

sudo pacman -S megasync

And you're done with it, you will have the client installed and you can use it.

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      alexis said

    I would like to know if I install megasyc with yay -S megasync, then I also have to install yay -S dolphin-megasync-git in my case that I use dolphin or if I only use the command with dolphin and that's it?