How to convert a PDF to EPUB with Caliber


Today the most common when reading is to use the ebooks, books in electronic format which have been a better seller than printed books for some time. This is thanks to the enormous advantage of portability, since we can take them with us on any device, although as almost always happens we have different formats for this kind of content and there are times when we need to switch from one to another.

The first electronic format to gain universal adoption was PDF, although the EPUB format offers better features since the font size and margins can be modified to adapt the reading to our preferences, and for this reason sometimes we find ourselves in the need to carry out a conversion. Let's see then how to convert a PDF into EPUB thanks to Caliber, an open source reading tool available on Linux.

The first step is of course download and install Caliber , which we can do from its official page or using the package manager that our distro de Linux offer us. Then we must add the PDFs that we are going to convert, something we do by clicking on the button 'Add books' (the first one on the left with the red book and the '+' sign) and then selecting all those that interest us for this.

Then we have to click on the button 'Convert books' which opens the options window before us. Not to be scared that there are many, but basically we must bear in mind that the most important thing is the input and output format options, what should be established in PDF and EPUB respectively.

If we click on the button 'To accept' (bottom right) begins the conversion process, which will not take more than a couple of minutes at most, a process that also has the interesting addition of a progress bar that will allow us to know how long it takes to finish this task. When that happens we will have the contents available now in both formats, PDF and ePub.

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      Alexander said

    The conversion leaves much to be desired, because it does not keep the format of the PDF text. it loses the reference of the pages, it has many unnecessary line breaks ... I have not yet found a way to transform it into a format that can be read easily.